Prompt: Write a Process Essay/Analysis explaining how to do something.
Ex: celebrate a birthday, wedding, holiday, etc., how to make a good impression, how to study for an exam, play a sport, instument, etc.
How to Time Travel
by claire
As a human, you are bound to make a decision at some point in your life which you will regret. Maybe you will say something you wish you hadn’t, or maybe you will do something that you shouldn’t have done. It seems you could amend your regret by simply re-making the decisions that caused you problems. The idea of time travel has been around for ages, surrounded by perplexing theories of the space-time continuum and twisted paradoxes of physics.Time travel is a fathomable idea with completely unfathomable explanations and an innumerable amount of possibilities. Some say it is impossible, and some say even the thought will end with wary consequences. Yet, the unexplainable seems to occur every day. So if you were ever desperate enough to attempt the cabalistic feat of time travel, the limitless capability of human creativity suggests there are many ways in which to do so. In order to change positions on the earth-space timeline, one must use a "doorway", or some sort of tangible oject for transport. The four main methods of time travel include passage by vessel, portal, magical necklace, and mailbox.
Passage by vessel, or so called "time machine", seems the most common route to alternate dimensions of time. Although it is highly unlikely he will be around, Dr. Emmett Brown of Hill Valley, California might be able to help you. A passionate “student of all sciences” and inventor of the Flux Capacitor, Doc. Brown created the first time machine out of sports car, named The DeLorean, in 1985. With an ample supply of plutonium and speeds reaching exactly eighty-eight miles per hour, the DeLorean is a sure-fire way to time travel. In order to use this method of wayfaring, you must first find the DeLorean; this presents quite a challenge. Because it is a time traveling vehicle, it could be anywhere on the timeline of human history, from the past, to the future. The only way to find it, it seems, would be to search the planet aimlessly for the rest your life, in hopes that one day you will stumble upon its return to the present. You could instead try to find Doc. Brown himself, but this might present a challenge as well. Born in 1914, Doctor Emmett Brown would today be close to one hundred years old. Based on this fact he could be dead. If laws of aging do not apply when traveling time, he could still be very much alive and well; in fact, probability would point to the location of the DeLorean and Doc. Brown to be the same. Although finding the Doctor and his time machine seems like a longshot, it still presents itself as a viable option. If you do in fact find yourself in the midst of such vessel, simply sit in the driver’s seat, type into the keypad the date and time to which you would like to travel, and gun it to eighty-eight.
Time travel by portal is another very common route to alternate dimensions, including those of magical worlds, proxy universes, and of course, time. Although portals can vary by size and location, those commonly associated with time travel disguise themselves in the pleasurable currents of hot tubs. It is very rare to find a hot tub time machine, though it is said that if a certain powerful, illegal Russian energy drink spills on the hot tub controls when you are not paying attention, the reaction between the electricity and probably lethal chemicals rips a hole in the time-space continuum. Therefore, when you enter the hot tub to soak in its warm, bubbly goodness you are inadvertently thrust into an alternate dimension. Unlike with vessels, time travel by portal is more arbitrary; you do not necessarily have a choice in your destination. In most cases, you are sent to the past. Usually, you will end up at a significant time in your life, for example the day you met your spouse. When venturing into the past, it is important to make decisions carefully, for any number of instances can change the outcome of your future.
Schools of witchcraft and wizardry are well hidden and extremely hard to come by, but if you ever find yourself within the walls of one, pay a visit to the Headmaster. If all goes well, a small device called a time turner could be yours. A time turner looks like a small stopwatch on a gold chain, and they are very hard to come by. You must be in the in the best graces of the Headmaster to get one, so I recommend having delicious cookies on hand. By wearing the necklace when you turn the clock, you are able to stay in your current state of time while everything else around you rewinds or fast forwards. It is especially important to steer clear of your “other self”, as confrontation will have detrimental effects.
If you ever come upon an abandoned lake house, you should check the mailbox. If you are lucky, the mailbox will be a passage to the future or past, depending on your relative whereabouts on the earth-space timeline. Although you will not be able to physically fit through the mailbox, you will be able to write letters in hopes that someone on “the other side” will read them. This is not as fun as the other time traveling methods, but it has its benefits.
The idea of time travelling is still very enigmatic and uncontrolled. One must be careful when messing with time, because the effects are unknown and could be detrimental. Though the main methods of time travel include vessels, portals, magical necklaces, and mailboxes, there are many others, some still undiscovered. The chance to travel time is extraordinarily rare, for now at least. If you ever get the chance, use it wisely. And if you ever do go back in time, do me a favor and tell “past me” to stop watching TV and to start studying for the SAT’s .
(P.S. I know this was a long one, so to thank you for your perserverence I will leave you with this...)
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