Thursday, November 10, 2011

Angry Letters

Dear person-that-always-shows-me-lame-You-Tube-videos,
                You have a warped sense of human emotion, my friend, because the “FRIGGIN AWESOME” and “HA-LARIOUS” You Tube videos you bombard me with on a daily basis are not at all awesome or funny. I am too nice to tell you this in person, so I just nod my head and smile as you point to your hand-held video playing device and say things like “OK HERE IT IS! HERE IT IS! ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?? WAIT…WAIT..oh wait is this part or is it…hold on…OH THERE IT IS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA WASN’T THAT SO AWESOME OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO AWESOME.”  
     I am telling you now, friend, that Justin Bieber is not that awesome. Neither is that video of Rebecca Black or those videos with the talking orange. So please stop. To illustrate my point, I will supply examples of videos that are awesome/funny, and videos that are not awesome/funny.
awesome/funny videos:




awesome (but in a gross way)--

NOT awesome/funny videos:

In fact this scares the shit out of me more than anything...^^

any video that includes a morbidly obese person dancing and/or singing. (ex:numa numa) (it is more sad than anything else...)

Do you understand what I’m saying, person-that-always-shows-me-lame-you-tube-videos?
Also if you show me one more god damn picture of your ugly cat, I’m going to punch you in the face.
I hate cats.
Except when they are doing something funny.
Like this:
The end.


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