“Due to my extreme case of senioritis, I have encountered a lack of all motivation to do anything. Ever. All the time.”
Remember when I said this?? (here is proof)
This is the reason as to why I don’t post as often as I should. I know senioritis typically applies to school work, but in my case it applies to everything anyone ever expects me to do, for example, unloading the dishwasher, or writing good blog posts in a timely manner.
I tend to accumulate an unusually large amount of guilt over this, and I don’t know why.
I kind of just sit in my comfy chair and stare at the wall, feeling this guilt and doing nothing about it simply bess;dfmvwe[rfpl fporpfoerlksd;fvlfkvfdsl;askf;w eorrkjwl;kasdna;sldk, uuggghhhhhhhhhghghghuhghghguhgughguhguhgughughg
Maybe a picture?
**UPDATE: Sorry, folks. I had a larger-than-normal amount of apathy at the time I wrote this, and as you can see, I lost motivation halfway through.
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