Hello everybody! How are you today!? Good? Well, me too!
I’m sitting here nice and comfy in my bed watching Benjamin Button and enjoying some cinnamon oatmeal with sunflower and flax seeds. (<--look at me! So healthy...:) The best part is, it’s Tuesday!
Why am I not at school, you ask? Well, I was thrown off with the MLK holiday and I mistakenly forgot to study for a GIANT biology test that is today that I thought was tomorrow. So I woke up at 7:30, dreading another long day at school and I was like...FUCK. TODAY IS TUESDAY. I HAVE A BIOLOGY TEST TODAY. And then I was like you know what? FUCK IT ALL. So I have decided to stay home from school today. YAY!
It’s not really that big of a deal, because I have a perfect attendance record so far this year AND I’LL BE DAMNED if I have to embarrassingly accept another perfect attendance award from the principle like a huge nerd. (While my fellow peers say to themselves things like “WOW HAS SHE EVER HEARD OF NOT GOING TO SCHOOL?? WHAT AN ASSHOLE.) Also, I only go to school for like three hours a day anyways, so I’m not really missing much. (Other than a GIANT biology test, of course).
What shall I do today!?? The whole world is at my fingertips! Should I go skydiving? Bungee jumping? Maybe fly a turnaround to NYC? Oh, the possibilities!
“You are not old enough to do that,” you say, “and even if you were old enough, you would not be able to afford those things because you spend all your money on burritos and movie tickets like an asshole.”
Well, my friend, you are probably right.
Sorry I got distracted by the movie. I also just got oatmeal on my Carter Blood Care pajama shirt. FUCK. Kbye.
**UPDATE: I did not end up going skydiving. Instead I got a tasty sandwich for lunch and a nice pedicure afterwards, so all-in-all, it was a pretty good day.
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