Friday, December 2, 2011


I would like to dedicate this post to my one follower theycallmeturbo  <3
One follower, I love you. I would like to take the time out to thank you for following my blog, as this makes me feel popular (like those kids in school I pretend to hate but actually slightly envy) (god damn them and their perfect fucking hair and successful romantic relationships)
I know there is more than one person that reads my blog, but all of you are just TO GOD DAMN LAZY to push that little button that say “FOLLOW THIS AWESOME BLOG:D”.
(There is not really a button that says that, but I will make one and then you can push it.)  
You people need to follow me so I can become famous and make lots of money and not have to get a real job where I have to write essays.
If you do not want to follow me, there are other things you can do to help the cause, like carving my URL into public bathroom stalls, screaming it from mountain tops, and writing INSTEADOFESSAYS.BLOGSPOT.COM on every paper bill you ever come across for the rest of your life.

Yes. That should work.

Anyways, tell all of your friends, Facebook it, twitter it, draw it on the walls with cocaine at a nightclub, whatever you kids are into these days.

And to you, my follower, I have a present...

It is called “Thank You Kitty,” and there is no picture out there that represents the gratefulness I have for you better than this one.


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